Dachlatten Einen halben Kubikmeter
Der Preis gilt für einen halben Kubikmeter
Unbehandeltes Douglasienholz.
Nur Abholung in Ittenheim, Frankreich
Die Längen reichen von 3m bis 6m
We currently charge 60 euros per cubic metre, as long as all the logs are stacked in an accessible position and all in the same place.
If things are more complicated and the logs are in various places or you are not in a position to tell us how many cubic metres you have, we can work on an hourly rate of 75 euros (minimum 4 hours of cutting). We will not charge you for travel time, set up time or the time it takes us to take down the machinery at the end of the session.
Note we do not charge for the first 50km of travel on the outward and return journeys from Strasbourg / Kehl. After 50km, we charge 1 euro per km for each journey.